Why, thank you, thank you very much. It was a fun issue. I can't wait to finish reading the interviews. I really hope Del Toro is doing the remake. I like many of his ideas. An interview with him...
View ArticleRe: SCARLET STREET #46
Here's a very special Scarlet Letter that we'll be running in our next issue . . .***Scarlet Street #46 deserves a place in the upper echelon of "best issues," starting with the strikingly beautiful...
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Glad to see that John Brunas is anticipating the next installment of the Columbia Horrors piece...and he won't have long to wait, since the issue in question is well underway and due out in January.
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The last issue reached the masses in November, so that sounds right on schedule.
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Quote:All things are possible . . .This should not, however, be taken as indicative of the possibility that Richard will realize he is wrong about MOULIN ROUGE!
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Some day I may be wrong about MOULIN ROUGE--but that'll be the day I say the damned thing is any good . . .
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I really loved the lobby cards of all the Creature features - and they were in such vivid color.This is truly an outstanding issue - and I hope that it's selling like hotcakes.
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Very, very successful issue, Ray, and wait'll you see the color lobby cards from THE FACE BEHIND THE MASK, THE DEVIL COMMANDS, and others in the next issue . . .
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Should I confess it? . . I yearn to see Ricou Browning, Ben Chapman and John Hennessy in color!
View ArticleRe: SCARLET STREET #46
The time has come, the Walrus said, to heap more praise on Scarlet Street, but this time its all accolades for your wondrous web site. Even with an advertisement in every issue of Scarlet Street...
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I find myself with a little space at the end of the next issue's Scarlet Letters, so if any of you message board readers want to drop me a line today at you may find yourself published...
View ArticleRe: SCARLET STREET #46
Well, It appeared we were just about to sell out of Scarlet Street #46--a VERY successful issue--when we got a call from our printer, who'd discovered that part of our shipment had been mislaid and...
View ArticleRe: SCARLET STREET #46
Guys, I never really told you how much I enjoyed this issue so ...I'm tellin' you, I really enjoyed this issue!So much stuff on the Creature! Simply great. To celebrate I got out copies of all three...
View ArticleRe: SCARLET STREET #46
I thought it only appropriate to alert all Gill Man fans that Ben Chapman is currently recovering from heart surgery. First, short blurbs on from his website to explain things a bit, and then, a short...
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